SRK Detained for the 3rd Time In LA Airport ,USA

The incident came to light when Mr Rich Verma, the American ambassador to India, said in an apology on Twitter that the incident had happened at Los Angeles International Airport.He Tweeted @iamsrk saying Sorry for the trouble, We are working to ensure it doesn’t happen again. Your work inspires millions, including in the US.”

Mr. Khan’s previous interactions with immigration officials followed a similar pattern of being held for a few hours before being released.Any name with muslim surnames in USA and Europe always raises suspicion and with Khan as his surname the self styled King of Bollywood always has it rough abroad.

Nisha Biswal, the assistant secretary of state for South and Central Asia,tweeted: “Sorry for the hassle at the airport, @iamsrk — even American diplomats get pulled for extra screening!”

 SRK responded to her tweet: “No hassle ma’m.” He said he respected the protocol and did not expect special treatment. “It’s just inconvenient.”
 A spokeswoman for Customs and Border Protection said she could not discuss individual cases, citing privacy laws.

“Whenever I start feeling too arrogant about myself, I always take a trip to America,” he later told the students.

 With humor, he relayed his frustration on Thursday to his 20.7 million Twitter followers.

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